Student Demands Millionaire Aunt Foot $2k Vet Bill After Dog Swallows Rock On Her Watch, Huge Family Drama Ensues

OP (20f), a college student with a service dog named Dixie, brings her beloved companion to visit family over the holidays. During their stay, OP’s aunt (51f) takes Dixie for a walk but removes her cherished toy, a raccoon, without realizing its significance to Dixie. On the walk, Dixie accidentally swallows a rock while resisting […]

Restaurant Employee Kicks Out Customer From The Restaurant With Her Multiple Service Dogs

Service dogs play a crucial role in assisting individuals with various disabilities, offering support in tasks ranging from mobility to emotional aid. Their presence is often permitted in locations where regular pets are not allowed. However, this privilege has led to instances of individuals falsely claiming their pets as service animals. To verify the legitimacy […]

Mother Calls A Service Dog Owner Rude After She She Didn’t Let Her Kids Pet The Dog

Service dogs are well-mannered canines that have received specialized training. They put their full attention and effort into assisting their owners with medical issues, and their activities are life-saving. They are mostly recognizable by their uniform, which makes it evident that they are service animals. They should not be distracted because they are on duty […]

Woman Asks Her Husband To Rehome His Emotional Support Dog Because She Is Stuck With It At Home All Day Long

Many people believe that emotional support animals (ESAs) will magically solve all their problems. But as soon as they realize it isn’t a machine they can turn on and off as they please, they give up. It is important to take care of emotional support animals because they are living creatures. Take care of it […]

11 Adorable Pets That Deserve A Million Medals For Their Awesome Acts

These pets are the best thing to happen to humanity. While people flex over their achievements animals prefer to be quiet in this matter. But some of some things are that we cannot do and all the credit goes to these animals for their courage, speed and kindness all the way. They never fail to […]