One teeny tiny kitten was lucky enough to be spotted by a kindhearted hooman when they were under a bush…

Hello dog people! Boy have we got a treat for you today. We all know that a canine's nose is…

Why do cats act like it is the end of the world when you don't feed them every five seconds?…

Hoomans who adopt senior cats are superior. It is so lovely and heartwarming to see a cat get a second…

Let us talk about the cat distribution system (CDS). This term has surfaced in the last few years to describe…

Hey there, cat enthusiasts. If you know anything about tortoiseshell cats, you know they are famous for their epic 'tortitude.'…

Today brings good vibes! After taking one look outside, we decided to take the day off. The wind was howling,…

Hey, pals. We really love cats. They do funny things, like knocking stuff off tables or grabbing food when we're…

This tiny creature, known as the feathertail glider, holds the title of being the smallest gliding mammal in existence. It…

Terry had had an especially tough year in 2019. His wife had suddenly passed away, and later that year he…