Meet Leonard, You Won’t Believe What This Talented Cat Can Do!

Meet Leonard, an extraordinarily intelligent cat whose repertoire of tricks is nothing short of astonishing.
The things this beautiful black kitty can accomplish are bound to leave you in awe!
The post Meet Leonard, You Won’t Believe What This Talented Cat Can Do! appeared first on We Love Cats and Kittens.

Heavily pregnant pit bull is rescued 47 minutes before her time is up

In a heart-pounding race against time, a heavily pregnant pit bull named Mama Stormi was rescued from a shelter just 47 minutes before she was scheduled for euthanasia. The shelter operated under a strict 3 PM deadline, meaning anyone who wanted to save her was up against the clock. Lisa, a dedicated rescuer, and Karla,…
The post Heavily pregnant pit bull is rescued 47 minutes before her time is up appeared first on Animal Channel.

22 Silly Posts Of Awwdorable Animals Being Funny Friendly Floofs

It is the last day before the weekend doth come, and that is more than enough reason to celebrate. It has been a long week, and you have been working harder than the sweet dog who tries to pretend they understand but simply does not understand. So we figured that you could do with a little treat in the form of this list of silly posts of awwdorable animals being funny friendly floods, to buoy your mood for this, the day for the last of work for the week.From the fat frog who knows how to appreciate the little things like the sun hitting it just in the right spot, to the contemplative cow who just needed a minute or sixty to look out over the ocean and figure out the meaning of its life, to the silly squirrel who has adopted the Midwest country life and has found a new use for all the nuts he has been hoarding. These funny animals are the pawfect mood booster to get you through the day before last of work.LIFE IS BETTER WITH CATS – SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER FOR YOUR PURRFECT WEEKLY PICK-ME-UP

21 Sarcastic Monkey Memes To Share With Your Coworkers To Make Them Go Bananas

It is Thursday, it is almost time for your lunch break. There is a palpable tension in the air as the weekend slowly approaches and the energy in the office changes from work week doom and gloom, to weekend wonder. Some of your colleagues are already making plans for tonight to go out in excited anticipation for the coming weekend. So to help stoke the flames of procrastination, we made this list of sarcastic monkey memes that are pawfect to share with your coworkers to make the whole office go bananas.From the monkey who rather perfectly sums up that one colleague who gets a sort of sick pleasure from client reports, to the prancing primate who reflects the soul of every hapless hooman who gets hired to work forty hours per week, to the oracle orangutan who has a sixth sense for feeling when the sparkle in your eyes has started to fade. These hilarious animals are the perfect material to get everyone in the office to monkey around for the rest of the day. So get to sharing hooman!LIFE IS BETTER WITH CATS – SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER FOR YOUR PURRFECT WEEKLY PICK-ME-UP