if you are a cat owner, you probably have seen a cat cough a lot of times, especially when it’s…

We all know that times come the fly by as fast as lightning, for all we know, we feel like…

We all know that whoever the one who gave birth to us, will take care of us, but there seem…

Cats are known to be sweet little cuties to their owners, but sometimes it just can’t be avoided that there…

There are many cats in the world that are cute, but only a few of them make it a star…

You have probably seen your cats with someone or when its mingling with other cats, but this one takes it…

It is known that senior cats always laze around the house when it’s not meal time, they always sleep most…

We all know already that Cat really likes fitting into anything, no matter how narrow or small the space is,…

Whenever we think of a cat, we usually think of them as docile, pretty, cute, and peaceful beings that laze…

Meet Apollo, an aerial cat with a that can leap to great heights for a treat. When he was only…