Winter is coming. Or it’s already here. It sort of depends on where you are on the globe, but the new year is here, January is advancing in full force, degrees are decreasing, and you might sometimes experience snow. But isn’t it hilarious seeing animals deal with snow? It can be a pet, like a cat or a dog, who experiences snow for the first time in their lives. It can be a wild animal that’s used to curl up in snow for body heat. Animals and snow are a combination that results in so many cute results.

Cats confused because the snow is cold? Cute. Dogs are running around because snow is magic to them? Cute. Snow leopard kitten covered in snow because he’s not even bothered? Cute. Wolves trying to catch snowflakes as they gently fall to the ground? Cute. All animals are cute, and somehow even cuter when snow is involved.

We gathered the most funny, fluffy, and pawdorable animal memes and pictures fitting for this cold-yet-cute season. Cuddle up with a comfy blanket and let their cuteness and laughter warm your heart.

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