We all grew up learning from Julie Andrews that ‘in any job that must be done there is an element of fun,’ and we were all very disappointed to see that we can’t simply snap our fingers and the chores will take care of themselves. No, outside the cinematic world, chores will endlessly wait for you to complete them, and no tiny dwarfs will do it for you either. 

True, technology has solved many of the troubles our previous generations had to deal with. God bless the inventor of the vacuum and dishwasher, the washing machine, and the air fryer. Yet, we still have to operate all these sublime machines. Our clothes don’t sort themselves and magically fly to the washer, do they?

Well, our beloved felines know what we mean. Who understands laziness better than they do? Unless it involves destroying something valuable to us, they won’t raise a paw, and if they did, it would probably end up being worse than before. If they were pawrt of the household chores chart, we’d be in trouble. But they’re still funny. We collected hisssterical memes of cats and their purrfect way to postpone or ignore chores around the house. What can we say? They get us. 

Read More https://cheezburger.com/38659077/25-memes-of-cats-caught-cutting-chores-and-carelessly-cozying-up

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