Have you ever had that fear of being in a store and getting locked in after closing? Or remember that fear when we were children if we’d lose our parents in a store? Well, that’s exactly what happened to this curious kitten. 

Kitten Gets Locked in the Store

In Sharjah, which is the third-largest city in the United Arab Emirates, a little kitten with its mom got a bit too curious. We’re not sure exactly how the kitten ended up in the store, but the speculation is the little darling snuck in around closing time. Of course, if the kitten was making no noise and hiding behind something, it would easily be missed. However, the kittens mama certainly knew her baby was missing! Once the mother cat saw her baby in the store window, she began crying and meowing for help from bystanders. 

She meowed and meowed as much as she could for someone to help get her baby out of the local curtain and carpet shop near the Al Wahda post office, but no one was listening. But the next day, an angel would come along to help her.

A Good Samaritan Walks By

The mother cat waited all night and meowed to people as much as she could to get people’s attention. After all, she could see her baby in the window meowing back at her. A man named Adnan happened to be walking by and heard the noise. He wasn’t sure at first where the meowing was coming from until he spotted the cat outside of the curtain and carpet shop. Adnan then spotted the kitten just inside the window.

Mama cat looks at her kitten stuck inside a store through the window

Screenshots via Facebook/Gulf Today

Adnan realized he had to get the kitten out of the shop so he began to ask around if anyone knew the shop owner. He also took a video of the situation to aid him in asking around the local area for information. Sadly, no one had the shop owner’s phone number or information. Not having any way to contact the store owner, Adnan had no choice but to wait for the shop owner to arrive.

Video below via Facebook/Gulf Today

Adnan Peeks in the Store

While he was waiting, Adnan decided to see if maybe he could spot something. There could be something in the store that would give him a clue to where the store owner may be, or a phone number. Luckily, there was a receipt close enough to the glass door. The receipt had the contact information of the shop and the owner’s name. Adnan quickly called up the owner and told him the situation of the kitty being stuck inside.

The store owner quickly came to the store to let out the kitten back to its mother, and thanked Adnan for calling him. Kitty is now safe and sound back with mama, sadly the duo are strays. But thanks to Adnan’s quick thinking, the kitten was saved from being inside the shop for who knows how long.

The City is Well-Known For its Cats

There are many stray cats in the metropolian area around Sharjah. Shopowners have even been urged by local governments to keep watch over any animals. Mainly cats like to secretly slip inside right at closing time. The city was also recently in the headlines for another reason.

A video surfaced of a cat patiently waiting to cross the street at a crosswalk. 

Video below via Facebook/Gulf Today



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