Hey, cat lovers of the internet. We love taking trips to the pet store and picking up a new toy…

Greetings and salutations to all of our cat loving readers! How goes it? It ain't easy doing this life thing,…

Goooood morning, animal people! We hope that you have been having a fabulous week so far. We hope that you…

Cats are criminals. That is a known fact at this point, right? Cats commit crimes, real crimes, crimes with consequences,…

Greetings and salutations, feline enthusiasts.  You all know as well as we do that cats love them some food. My…

If there is one thing that you should all know about us by now, it's that we love animals. All…

Hey there, friends and cat appreciators. Have you ever noticed that throughout childhood and even young adulthood, people refer to…

Good morning, animal lovers! How did you all sleep last night? We've been making sleep a priority lately, and it's…

Happy meowrning, cat people! Another day, another alarm clock, another time having to go to work, but you know what……

The best surprise when wandering around town while shopping is to stumble upon a store with a cat as one…