Growing up with a dog has taught me the happiness a family pet can bring. We often choose to bring…

Fear of dogs can be really tough, making it hard to be around friends and family who have dogs or…

Henlo hoomans! Now that Super Bowl Sunday has finally ended and we've had some time to gather ourselves, we want…

When you work at an animal shelter, figuring out new ways to get those sweet furbabies adopted is a huge…

If you are a New Yorker, seeing a dog on the subway might be the only thing that will put…

Dogs make us feel good. They're goofy, they're smart (sometimes), and they know which buttons to push to give hoomans…

< div> < ul> <li> <span>1</span> <div> </div> </li> <li> Advertisement </li> <li> <span>2</span> <div> </div> <div>Finley! Come on, if…

‘Tis the season of giving, so why not give to a shelter animal? We guarantee you will never hear a…

Do you have a dog that sighs? It seems like these freeloading furballs are burdened by the weight of the…

< div> < ul> <li> <div> <span>1</span></p><h2>"oldest trick in the book"</h2> </div> <div> Well this is heart-melting but for all…