‘Can I have your pawtograph?’: Doggie daycare recreates Oscar movie posters starring their award-winning dogs

Every year, hoomans gather to celebrate movie movie-making genius of Hollywood, walking red carpets, flashing photos, and pushing the boundaries of skimpy fashion. But if you’re a dog lover like me, the most interesting part of the 2024 Oscars was Messi, the Australian shepherd stunt dog who showed up at the red carpet and had his own seat in the audience, stealing the show from all of the A-listers and shiny, beautiful people. Real canine enthusiasts would rather watch a prize-winning Great Dane win the AKC Dog Show Championships over watching another celeb say a thank-you speech. However, fortunately for those of us who are still plugged into the pop culture world, one doggy daycare stepped up to make the Oscars a bit more digestible to the dog-loving crowd. Meyer’s Pet Care, an Illinois-based daycare for pups, releases a dazzling doggo recreation of Oscar-worthy movie posters, starring their favorite pooches. So if you ever wanted to chuckle at a few dog’s wearing formal wear, you’ve come to the right place. Scroll onward and give a round of apaws to the award-winning pooches who should consider a career as super mo-dogs.Calling all the cool cats – sign up for our weekly newsletter to give a boost to your happy hormones!