1 This is her favorite blanket, can you tell? It's because the cats on the blanket look exactly like her!…

1 It's a hiss-terical show and the french fries have the front-row seat in this feline's world of entertainment and…

Cats are known for their independent spirit and cunning personalities. When they are hungry, and their needs are not being…

The internet loves cats, that's a fact. Undeniable. But it also undeniable that some cats have an effect on the…

1 Ah, yes, the half-starfish position. It's combined with the smooshy face technique, which is the best way to avoid…

1 Hey kitty, what are you trying to say with that silly little tongue of yours? Is it because we…

1 Who let the zen out? This doggo is bringing pawsitive energy to the world, and manifesting himself some bones…

Happy Friday! Congratulations on making it through another week, you should give yourself a round of ap-paws. Or better yet,…

< div> < ul> <li> <div> <span>1</span></p><h2>"Philippe again from our shelter. He’s now « only » 24 pounds! He wants…

Do you ever wake up to find random objects outside your bedroom entrance? Perhaps a small cat toy, a leaf,…