Hey, cat lovers of the internet. We love taking trips to the pet store and picking up a new toy…

u/Historical-Suit-1537 / Reddit Cats are generally everywhere, from parks to school campuses to various establishments. Though most uniquely are cats…

People have had theories for years that what someone is called can have an interesting influence on their future. This…

1 This is the kind of wholesome, happy story that we wanted to hear today. It's a devastating loss, of…

Hey, I Can Has-ers. You probably knew this already, but black cats have the lowest adoption rate out of any…

u/AllThisIsBonkers / Reddit A true rags-to-riches story involving a cat. She was found avoiding traffic while living in a dumpster,…

u/Ecstatic-Garlic3324 / Reddit As cat owners, there is a lot to live up to, especially how demanding felines can really…

This kitten looks just so pure as it sleeps in a rather odd manner. Usually, cats sleep by putting their…

u/randomlytease518 / Reddit Sometimes shaving can be awkward, both for humans and for cats. And most of the time it…

u/bena_bear / Reddit The worst experience for every young (or even older) human is when one has to go to…