If you close your eyes and cover your ears, what senses do you have left? It's pretty vulnerable to lose…

A kitten named Galileo, or Leo for short, shows how adaptable and worthy of finding forever homes blind cats are.…

Animals lovers know that one of the most rewarding things in life is to take on a pet with special…

In late December 2021, Julia from the Brooklyn Cat Cafe shared a very sweet story. It’s the story of rescuing…

In South Florida, the long-haired Scottish Fold cat, Seamus T Cat, lives the high life with his brothers Pete and…

Daniella Järphag was on vacation in April 2018 when she saw a blind kitten she would later name Lukas on…

Not many people take in elderly, let alone special needs, cats. Helen, a 10-year-old tabby cat, is both! Helen, along…

Rescuers saved Ollie and his two siblings from a bear den on a wild animal sanctuary in 2018. Sanctuary staff had waited…