In South Florida, the long-haired Scottish Fold cat, Seamus T Cat, lives the high life with his brothers Pete and Opie. Today, the big grey and black floof with bright gold eyes is a comical star on social media, but not so long ago, things were quite different. Four years ago, he was living in Kuwait and needed rescue.

“The day I met my forever family!”

With Opie and Pete

Seamus at the top with Opie (bottom left) and Pete. Images and media via Instagram/seamus_the_scottish_fold 

“Playing hide and go seek with my brother Opie. I always win. ??” Although blind, his hoomans say, “Opie iz blind but also fearless. Doesn’t slow him down a bit. ❤

Opie and Scottish fold cat

Seamus Goes from Rescue to the Pampered Life

Originally, a breeder in Kuwait intended to sell Seamus, but then they rejected him due to a kink on the tip of his tail. All of a sudden, the one-year-old cat ended up requiring rescue. Fortunately, a rescue group saved Seamus and a group of other kitties, flying them to the US. Then, a family in Florida adopted him, and they think he’s “purrfect.” It works out great for this cat, who doesn’t mind being waited on. Really, it seems Seamus fully expects the royal treatment like some other cats we know.

“My hoomans are so lucky that I let them live with me,” he says on Instagram.

“Toe Floof Level: EXPERT”

Scottish Fold cat sitting like a tiny human

sitting like a tiny human

Before long, Seamus quickly made himself at home with his brothers in his sunny Florida home. So, he went from distressed rescue to pampered royalty, a natural fit for this cat. In particular, his hooman dad is evidently his willing subject and loves him very much.

“Dis is how daddy holds me. Mommy thinks itz weird but I luv it.”

Seamus and his dad

“Release me now hooman! I did NOT agree to dis!!”

Man holding rescued cat from Kuwait

Often, the funny cat can be seen commanding his hooman servants to fetch him his breakfast or another treat. If they disappoint Seamus, well, they might pay the price.

“Hooman was late with my breakfast. Had to teach him a lesson.”

Seamus swats his dad's glasses

One day, his daddy, who used to be a dog person, started showing the photogenic floof on Instagram. Now, the cat fully expects a post about him each day.

“Dad says I have ‘wookie’ paws. I don’t know what that means.” 

Seamus with his fluffy paws

In short order, Seamus’ fanbase grew to the thousands, today numbering over 66K. 

Sometimes, Seamus sits like a big fluffy Buddha as he practices cat yoga poses or plays in empty boxes and bubble wrap.

“I like to start all my dayz wit a little cat yoga.”

Yoga pose cat

? A Meowjestical Cat on His Throne ?

When it’s time to relax, you may find this “Meowjestical” fluff sitting in the sunshine on an exquisitely embroidered puff throne or sharing time in his personal teepee.

And to think is used to live on the streets.”

Cat on throne/puff

“Freshly combed. You may take my photo now hooman.”

Sitting on his puff

Other times, this cat commands from a Viking throne, demanding his hooman servants take their leave with haste.

“Dis iz no longer your bench…it iz now my throne. Dat iz all hooman. Leave me now. “

Cat on wooden throne

Seamus Goes Viral

Seamus’ silly antics have been a viral hit on Instagram, and his hoomans have a knack for choosing hilarious audio. For example, the one below seems to show Seamus bunny kicking to a Missy Elliot beat.

Seamus Laughs Maniacally at the Hoomans

Recently, his dad shared a funny video with a dubbed laugh that perfectly captures this cat’s hilarious cattitude.

“When hooman says he’z da boss of me.”

You can follow Seamus T Cat on Instagram to see what he commands the hoomans to do next. 


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