There are many kinds of us cat connoisseurs. Some of us are cat childless but love cats with our whole heart, others have a feline fur baby but are above taking any of their guff, and others of us whether we have cat children or not are simply subservient to the demands and wills of our feline overlords. And considering that growing impact that our cute cats are having on our society and culture, it is time that we appreciate their growing power and dominance over the influencers of society. So we made this list that details the cats who are controlling and captivating hooman society at large, full of feline funnies for cat child obsessed hoomans who serve our feline overlords willingly, as they should.

From the funny feline who uses its humor and cuteness to captivate all that lay eyes upon it, to the controlling cat who simply refused to not get his pawrent’s shorts wet as retribution for giving him a bath, to the powerful puff ball who is speeding through the snow covered plains on its way to eat some fancy feast.

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