This is the heartwarming tale of Ernie, a resilient feline who found his forever home against all odds.

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When Ernie first appeared at his soon-to-be family’s doorstep, he was a pitiful sight – a feral cat weighing less than two pounds, missing a paw, and covered in fleas.

Despite his condition, Irene Wong and her family took him in and immediately sought veterinary care.

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From the very first day, Ernie displayed an extraordinary capacity for trust and affection.

However, as time passed, it became evident that his missing paw was causing him considerable pain and recurring infections.

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After consulting multiple veterinarians, Irene had to make the difficult decision to amputate his leg.

This proved to be a turning point in Ernie’s life, as he thrived as a tripod cat, defying expectations with his agility and zest for life.

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Ernie’s determination knew no bounds. He would bound across fields and race up stairs with the energy of any four-legged feline, especially when in pursuit of his beloved cat dad.

His affectionate nature blossomed, and he became renowned for his legendary hugs and his insatiable appetite for kisses and purrs from his adoptive parents.

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Despite his physical limitations, Ernie’s spirit remained unbroken.

He approached playtime with fearless enthusiasm and was known to bulldoze anyone who stood between him and his treats.

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His charisma extended beyond his immediate family, as he developed a following on social media, charming new friends with his signature head bumps.

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Ernie’s personality continued to shine through his growing fashion sense. He embraced wearing cute bandanas and bow ties, always ready for his close-up.

His photogenic nature made him a natural in front of the camera, which seemed to love him as much as he loved it.

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Life threw Ernie another curveball when he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called pemphigus, as well as kidney disease.

Yet, true to his resilient nature, these challenges did not dampen his spirits.

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He tackled his medication regimen with admirable courage, and with proper veterinary care, he continued to live comfortably despite these medical setbacks.

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Ernie’s presence has been transformative for Irene and her family. They have embraced their role as his caretakers with devotion, ensuring he receives the love and care he deserves every day.

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In return, Ernie expresses his gratitude through slow blinks and affectionate hugs, a daily reminder of the deep bond they share.

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This remarkable cat has not only overcome his own adversities but has also inspired many with his indomitable spirit and capacity for love. Way to go Ernie!

Check him out in the video below:

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