Monday is here, the week has begun, and we dog pawrents need to leave our dogs at home while we go to start the workweek. It’s not only a regular Monday mood, because when you have a dog that you cannot take with you to work, it’s a whole other level of the Monday mellows. We’re dog pawrents ourselves, we understand the Monday mellows of leaving your dog at home, especially after a dog-filled wholesome weekend you spent together.

But there’s a solution for the frustrating Monday mellows of a dog pawrent – and this is filling your Monday with as many dogs as possible. You don’t have a ton of dogs around you in your workplace? Well, then dog memes are your solution. So here, take a bunch of dazzling dog memes to lift up those Monday mellows.


  • 1

    He's on his way to steal your girl

  • 2

    Bro doesnt even exist..> 00″ title data-old-src=””>  </p>
<p>Very exist, but such smol. Our hearts cannot deal with this unexplained but very existent smollness. Be careful with this existing doggo creature, his smollness is fragile. Only a little larger than a mouse.</p>
<p><img decoding=

  • 4

    Shirts? No need, we’ll buy some in a cheap store. Shoes? We’ll just wear the pair we walk in right now. Dog? Yes. the dog is a permanent luggage that goes with us everywhere.

  • 5

    I was given a kitten. My dog thinks it's her baby

  • 6

    It's so hot the dog has started to melt

  • 7

    hav dog in cup

  • 8

    We were making sausages and I looked out the window

  • 9

    THE WOR Our dog's paw looks like a mini-version of him

  • 10

    huge news: german shepherd and golden retriever mix

  • 11

    Look at this doggy daycare class photo

  • 12

    My friend sent me this pic and said nothing

  • 13

    I came home from work to find him like this. Looks like someone had a good day.

  • 14

    My boyfriend and I got a puppy two weeks ago. Today I left him for the first time to start college classes, and my boyfriend sent me this

  • 15

    Found the perfect wedding cake

  • 16

    Alicja Pankowski I got one of the nets that prevent your dog from distracting you when you are driving

  • 17

    The puppy fell asleep after her first bath

  • 18

    I think the flash was too bright for our puppies...

  • 19


  • 20

    He is so fluffy. I am crying

  • 21

    I'm not saying that my dog should respect the cat a little bit more, but....

  • 22

    Went to a friend's house last night and my dog instantly said

  • 23 joshpeck

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