While we spend most of our working week waiting from the moment that we will be free from work on the weekend, many of us make it to our fabled free with little to no energy to actually do the things that we were looking forward to doing on the weekend. And it is not totally our fault, for we are over-worked, over-tired and over putting effort into anything that we do not have to. But we deserve to have some of that fun we have been dreaming off all week long. So we made this list of feisty feline funnies for all you over-tired office workers who have not had any fun this weekend.

From the fashionable feline who just got a new haircut and is ready to hit the town, to the frenetic feline who got a little too excited with his weekend wackiness and ended up in the skididi toelet, to the cute catto who dreamed all week of being wrapped up in his dinosaur onesie and is currently living the dream.


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    Demure made with mematic

    While you do need to get out into the world and have fun this weekend, no one said it had to be the wild, unhinged kind of fun that ruins lives and leaves destruction in your wake. You could very well choose to engage in a demure kind of fun. Perhaps a luncheon, or a lovely walk through the botanical gardens. You might even ask that person you have been casually flirting with to go steady with you. 

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    STOP SCROLLING!!! What's that behind you haha made you look. You may continue.

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    Cheezburger Image 10394393856

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    First date idea I look at you like this made with mematic

    A very demure date indeed. And also a chill way to have a bit of fun this weekend. So much can be said simply through a deep look into someone’s eyes. And for many of us who have spent our whole week navigating the world with our voice complementing clients, battling bosses and cackling with coworkers, we would much rather not use our voice if we do not have to.

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    Horrendous Graphic car Accident made with mematic

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    New streaks hmu made with mematic

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    Skididi Toelet

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    made with mematic Hey I'll allow it 9:11 AM Hey I have to posts this now New Messages A

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    What about Bunya

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    Should I put xiaojie cat on a shirt next anya

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    when you at the gym with bro and the gyat says to you

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    No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

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    Medal clip that made with mematic

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    Dismemberment made with mematic

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    Irony pages when they run out of nouns. made with mematic


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