Wolfie Smiles shared the story of Indira, an adorable kitten with curled ears who needed her right front leg splinted. Wolfie, the famous cat with a toothy grin, came from the Friends For Life Rescue Network based in Los Angeles and Oregon.

Images via Instagram/wolfie_smiles and Instagram/charlottesmeow

Indira Has Curled Ears, a Bobtail, and Polydactyl Toes

Indira is considered a natural Highland Lynx, born with curled ears, a bobtail and polydactyl toes. Notably, these cats are commonly referred to as Highlanders, not to be confused with Scottish Fold cats. As always, we always encourage adopting and never buying from a breeder.

Unfortunately, the kitten also had a bent front paw. So, the rescuers knew she needed immediate care.

“Legs like hers require immediate attention while they are young before the bones calcify,” they explained. 

Indira in a cast

Soon, the kitten’s leg was carefully wrapped and splinted and would need more wraps and physical therapy. 

Indira walks with a green cast

In the meantime, her foster family fed her by syringe.

Keystone Kitties now Pippi & Her Rescue Pals

Foster care from Keystone Kitties now Pippi & Her Rescue Pals

This Kitten Bounces Back

Fortunately, the tiny kitten adapted quickly, walking on her paw a couple of days later. Then, a few days later, she was playing with the gentle Wolfie. After a week, her leg was doing much better!

As you can see below, she was making biscuits like a pro!

By mid-September, the ridiculously cute Indira was beginning to wean from the bottle. However, her leg required wrapping again to help her leg bend at the joint correctly. Nevertheless, she sprang back fast in a foster home with another rescued Highland Lynx.

Highlander kitten

Indira Becomes Belle

One special day, Indira was adopted by her foster family, who fell head over heels in love with her. In her forever home, Indira gets all the love and attention in the world, and returns it to her family.

“Trouble! She clawed her way into my heart and wouldn’t let go.”

pretty Highlander cat

“We absolutely fell in love with her and [her] personality. Thank you @fflrescuenetwork for sharing her with us. We will always be grateful for all the pretty kitties in our lives.”

“I iz a good lap cat”

Kitty gets head scratch

Thus, Indira became a “foster fail” who found a home and a new name: Belle. Her new humans, Erica Goren and Nic Pappas, also have a foster fail named Domino, adopted in 2019. 

“We can’t get enough of her cuteness and spunk ?” they wrote on Instagram.

Erica Goren and Nic Pappas with Indira

Erica Goren and Nic Pappas with Indira

Carson Animal Shelter in California rescued Domino and his brother, who was quickly adopted. Then, Los Angeles’ Friends for Life Rescue Network took in Domino, a spicy kitten, before arriving at his foster/permanent home.

Like Belle, Domino is a black Highland Lynx with curled ears and extra toes. However, she does not have the mutation for a bobtail. As you can see on Instagram, Domino and Belle live with Charlotte, the Siamese, also a rescue. Altogether, they look happy as can be, and Indira became a graceful Belle of the Ball.

“The tensions are building! JK ? it looks like Domino is starting to have a soft spot for Indy. Honestly who can resist her? Cough cough… hey Charlotte!?”

Indira and Domino

Indira meets Domino

“Pretending to be Charlotte like….”

Charlotte and Highlander kitten

With Charlotte the rescued Siamese

And, here is Belle today, growing into a beauty:

Highland Lynx

More about Domino and Charlotte in the video below by Love Meow:


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