One day, an orange tabby kitten later named Kevin got stuck in a tree, meowing loudly for help near the home of sympathetic Ashley Pennington. Soon afterward, he moved right in, becoming a permanent part of the family, to their initial surprise. It’s almost like the kitten had a plan.

We often see stories where cats do seem to choose their family and not the other way around. For example, sometimes, cats seem to know their person the moment they see them in a shelter. Could it be possible?

Recently, we shared the story of Bruiser, an older cat in a shelter who immediately walked over, climbed up, and hugged a woman around the neck when she arrived. Perhaps, he knew she would return one day to give him a forever home, which she did. 

Likewise, the day Kevin showed up, the family would never be the same.

“I rescued a cat from a tree and, in turn it was kind enough to adopt us

Kevin the kitten, Ashley Pennington

Images via Instagram/ashdelynnpen

? Saving a Kitten in Distress From a Tree ?

While going outside to walk the dog, Pennington heard a faint meowing sound. Unable to determine where it was coming from, she continued on the walk. On returning home, the sound was louder, and she eventually zeroed in on the tree. There, Kevin, the tiny kitten in distress, had let curiosity get the best of him.

“I was a little concerned that a cat was in the crawl space, so I went back outside and eventually found a kitten hanging out in a tree,” Ashley told LoveMeow.

orange tabby kitten

Screenshot via YouTube/LoveMeow

The kitten was so high up it took a ladder to get him down. But Pennington managed to rescue the kitten. That’s when Kevin’s plan kicked in. Immediately, he started rubbing against her legs, following her to the house. Then, the kitten literally laid down on the welcome mat outside the front door.

Kitten on Welcome mat

Otis, the family dog, was immediately friendly to the tiny kitten. Now, all Kevin had to do was wait for an opening.

Kevin Makes Himself at Home

Seeing the front door left ajar, Kevin made a run for it and went into the house, evading capture. A concerned Pennington suspected her husband Jared, who was inside sleeping, wouldn’t be keen on the idea of another pet. In the meantime, she began asking around the neighborhood and looking on Facebook to see where the kitten belonged. 

While she was sitting, the kitten made himself at home on her lap, cuddling and kneading with his tiny paws. Oh yes, he was working his kitten magic. But then, Jared woke up.

“My husband finally woke up and I said, ‘so we have a problem.’ I took him to the garage where the kitten was, and (the kitten) just walked right in like he owned the place,” she said.

kitten on the bed

Unfortunately, Pennington’s hunch that her husband wouldn’t want another pet was correct. At first, he wanted her to call the local shelter about the cat. Nevertheless, Kevin was undaunted and began working on him too, and it didn’t take long. Soon, he was napping on Jared’s lap too.

“About 20 minutes went by and my husband was outside playing with the kitty. ‘I’m going to call you Kevin,’ he said,” Ashley said.

By now, Kevin was a part of the family; they just didn’t know it yet. The next day, Pennington checked with the shelter, asking for a call if someone inquired about a tabby kitten. Of course, that never happened. 

“Kevin found a new toy! ? Not too sure where he got it from, but it’s definitely not ours ? I was actually pretty creeped out when I saw him playing with it. Lol”

Kevin finds a toy

On Pennington’s TikTok, she says her account has been “taken over by Kevin?and Otis?.” There, she shared the story of telling her husband about a rascally kitten in the house.

Video by Love Meow:

Kevin Adores the Whole Family

Soon, Kevin was officially part of the family and playing with Otis, who was also a rescue, on the sofa. As you can see in the pictures and TikTok, they love each other and seem to have right from the start. 

“They tolerate each other ?

dog and kitten

Today, they continue to cuddle up, although Kevin is a lot bigger now. 

“Kevin loves Jared. ❤

Jared and Kevin

Via TikTok/ Penny Jar Media

Best of all, the family is happy, even though Kevin can be a little crazy sometimes.

“He and our dog Otis absolutely love each other and we’re so happy to have him around,” Pennington said. “Even when he’s loaded up with energy, destroying curtains and doing parkour.”

You can see more of Kevin, Otis, and fam on TikTok.




The post Woman Rescues Kevin the Kitten in a Tree, Then He Adopts the Family appeared first on Cole & Marmalade.

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