If there is one thing that you learn as a cat owner over time, it’s that… spending money on expensive things for your cats is the most useless thing that you can do. Yes, you’re going to be all excited at first, buying your cats all kinds of fancy cat trees and gadgets and toys… Oh, you’re going to spend a lot of money on cat toys, only for your cat to decide that the best toy is, in fact, a random hair tie that they found under your couch. 

It seems that, for our cats, anything is a preferable toy to actual cat toys. Seriously. We have seen cats that are obsessed with almonds, playing with them all day, to cats being obsessed with snap peas, carrying them around everywhere, all the way to cats who simply love… laptops, because they’re not only fun and colorful, they’re also warm, which is a bonus. And still, even with everything that we have seen, some of the things that you guys told us managed to surprise us.

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Read More https://cheezburger.com/24218373/ridiculously-random-non-cat-toy-things-that-cats-love-way-more-than-their-fancy-schmancy-toys

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