A stray kitten was seen wandering around a neighborhood, she was looking for food and shelter but no one wanted to take her in.


This scrawny 3-month old kitty was so hungry that she would meow at anyone she came across.

Desiree, a volunteer from Alley Cat Rescue, was working on a TNR (trap-neuter-return) job in the area when someone informed her about the kitten.

“She went from house to house, begging to go inside, but nobody would let her in. Some little kids had been feeding her bread.”


“A resident told us about this skinny kitten that was looking for a home. Sure enough, we found her on a doorstep being shooed away,” said Desiree.

“She was so dirty, covered in fleas and had an upper respiratory infection. Despite all this, she purred like crazy and is super sweet.”


Her tiny voice had become raspy from all the meowing but that didn’t stop her purring.

That day, this sad almost starving kitty finally found what she had been searching for thanks to Desiree and her team.

She had safe shelter, good food, and someone to cuddle with.

They named her Pistachio and quickly found her a place in a foster home. Her pink blanket quickly turned brown as she was covered in filth and fleas.

So Pistachio got a much-needed bath, a hearty meal and a warm place to nap in.

“She was dirty and her voice was hoarse from begging, but she kept purring from that first night. She was so grateful to be indoors,” Desiree added.


After a week of medical care, a warm bed, good food and a whole lot of love, little Pistachio gained her strength and had plenty of energy.

She was like a new kitten and became cuddlier than ever.

They decided it was time to introduce her to ButterBean, an orphaned kitten, so she could have a companion to cuddle with.

She instantly took him under her wing and started grooming him like any big sister would.


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Read More https://welovecatsandkittens.com/cat-stories/stray-kitten-wanders-the-neigborhood-alone-until-she-finds-someone-that-cares/

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