“So Cute”
Now this meme has a whole load of xmas movie readiness about it. A woman who cannot find love, a man who has too much love and no longer wants it. They meet through the woman’s dog and the man and the dog fall in love. Then they live happily ever after as a family, provided the man cared about the woman and was not totally infatuated by the dog…it’s a wild world out there.
<p><span>4</span></p><h2>"So Cute"</h2>
<img src=”https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9847666432/h966D6288/they-told-wouldnt-get-like-is-true-24-300″ id=”_r_a_9847666432″ width=”663″ height=”663″ alt=””They told me I wouldn’t get a like. Is that true 24 300-” title=””So Cute”” data-old-src=””>
<span>7</span></p><h2>"He ain’t heavy ,he’s my brother"</h2>
<span>8</span></p><h2>"Look so Awesome "</h2>
<span>9</span></p><h2>"Everytime "</h2>
<span>13</span></p><h2>"Congratulations "</h2>
<span>18</span></p><h2>"Growing so fast "</h2>
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