Pets are often considered family members and it is important to take their care and well-being seriously.

Neglecting a pet’s needs can have serious consequences, and it is the responsibility of the pet owner to provide proper care for their pets. Unfortunately, not all pet owners take this responsibility seriously, and some neglect their pets to the point where their lives are endangered.

Recently, a mother shared on Reddit that they have three daughters and own a two-year-old dog. They had a heat wave so they do not let their dog out in the backyard. Their dog loves to be in the backyard to look out. Their two daughters go to school early but Janie who is 15-year-old leave for school late so it was her responsibility to make sure the dog is inside, the fans are one and he has water. But Janie was annoyed that day and let the dog out and forgot to bring the dog back inside the house and left for school. Her other sister came home and found the dog passed out in the backyard. The family took the dog to the vet and the vet bills were expensive so they decided to make Janie work and pay the vet bills. Scroll down for the complete story.  

OP has three daughters and a 2-year-old dog. They had a heat wave two weeks ago so they do not let their dog go to the backyard for a very long time. 


Both Allie and Phoebe leave for school early but Janie goes to school late so it was her responsibility to make sure the dog is inside, the fans are on and he has water. 


Janie was annoyed and let Pebble go on the deck, she left for school and forgot to bring Pebble inside. 


Pebble had to stay at the vet for a few days. Pebble made full recovery but the vet bill was very high. 


OP and he husband decided on making Janie get a job to pay for the expensive vet bills. Janie thinks that her parents are ruining her life. 


Janie’s one mistake could have killed a family member: 


Janie made a mistake that nearly killed an innocent life but she does not feel bad about her mistake. 

Pets are a responsibility that parents take on when they bring them into their home, and it is ultimately their responsibility to ensure that their pets are properly cared for. As parents, it is important to teach our children the importance of responsibility and empathy towards animals. Neglecting a pet’s needs can have serious consequences. In this case, the family could have used this as a teaching opportunity for their daughter. They could have sat down with her and discussed why her neglect was unacceptable and the consequences that could have resulted from her actions. They could have also discussed the importance of responsible pet ownership and how they, as a family, could work together to provide the best care possible for their dog.

It is also important to note that making a child pay for the vet bills may not be an effective way to teach them a lesson. It may cause resentment and bitterness, which can damage the parent-child relationship. Instead, parents can work with their children to find a solution that holds them accountable for their actions while still providing a positive learning experience.

Janie would learn a lesson by paying for her mistake. 


Janie needs to learn that mistakes have consequences. 


This is why ESH: 


Sports are a part of academics and can get her a scholarship. 


Job options are very limited for teenagers and they are paid very less.


Janie’s parents should give her an appropriate punishment so she could learn from it.


What would you do if your daughter’s mistake almost kills your pet? How would you teach her a lesson? Share your opinion in the comment section below. 

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