A Reddit user “BananaRamaRepublic69” shared a post on Reddit’s AITA community, On a recent flight, he saw a service dog walking around the aisle and interacting with passengers. It was walking around alone, and people were petting it, the post said. In response to BananaRamaRepublic69’s question about the dog, the flight attendant told him it was a service dog and that there was nothing they could do about it.

According to BananaRamaRepublic69, the dog came up to him and put its legs on him, looking up at him as if it wanted to pet him. Taking his legs out of the way and placing them on his seat, BananaRamaRepublic69 moved them away from him. Then he yelled out for their dog to be picked up. As a woman in her 20s walked over to take the dog away, BananaRamaRepublic69 told her to control the dog and keep it in its carrier. The woman told him to “F off” and that he ruined her dog’s fun.

BananaRamaRepublic69 received snide comments from the woman throughout the flight as other passengers approached her to tell her how much they enjoyed the dog. In this situation, BananaRamaRepublic69 wants to know if he was the a-hole. Keep on scrolling down to read the full post and read what some of the Redditors had to say about the situation.

1. This is how it went down, keep on scrolling down to read the full post


2. She told him to “F off” and blame him for ruining her dog’s good time, Do you think he is an A-Hole?


3. Well that’s true service dogs do not go wandering around by themselves


4. But why would anyone lie about their dog being a service dog?


5. Exactly just because most people like dogs doesn’t mean everyone has to like dogs


6. Exactly there are people who don’t like cats and people say nothing to them but when someone dislikes a dog everyone makes that man a villain


7. Exactly some people are terrified of dogs


8. There must be some people on the plane who silently appreciated the OP for calling out the dog owner


9. Exactly no one is obliged to interact with a strange dog


10. Yes, service dog or not they really shouldn’t have let the dog roam around.


11. Yes dogs should be on leashes when on plane


12. Yes people need to stop treating their dogs as their children for real


13. That’s true it’s unsafe to let your pets wander around in the airplane


14. So this flight attendant says that no pet can roam the plane according to the ESAs


15. Do you guys think OP deserves a refund from the airline?


16. “Service dogs still need to be controlled”


17. Well yes he definitely should file a complaint


18. Service dogs aren’t supposed to be petted.


19. Do you think dog owners can be extremely entitled?


20. Well yes service dog is required to be under the control of their handler at all times.


21. That is something the dog owners need to learn to do respect other people’s space


This was it, folks, we think OP wasn’t being an A-hole it was the owner of the dog who seemed to have lied about their dog being a service dog secondly some people are scared of dogs and some have allergies so pets shouldn’t be allowed to just roam around on the plane. Let us know what you think about it down below in the comment section and make sure to like and share this article with your friends and family and stay tuned for more content like this with Defused. Thank You!

Read More https://defused.com/woman-swears-after-man-refuses-to-pet-dog/

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