50 Adorable Photos Of Pregnant Animals Shared On The Internet To Make Your Day
By admin / December 10, 2022 / No Comments / Pet Cats
Animals also go through bodily changes when they get pregnant.
Have you ever wondered what our adorable animals would look like after getting pregnant? These animals look ten times cuter than how they used to look before getting pregnant. Their bellies can be clearly seen through their coats. Cats have 60 to 65 days of pregnancy time while dogs have 58 to 68 days of pregnancy time. Horses take 11 to 12 months to deliver a baby while elephants take the longest time. They take 18 to 22 months. Hats off to their patience. Well, they look incredibly adorable with their cute tummies. Today, we have compiled all the pregnant animals. Scroll down to have a look at them.
1. She is 8.5 weeks pregnant:
Via: GregariousWaterfall
2. The pregnant squirrel:
Via: HotsumaGumby
3. The pregnant guinea pig:
4. Pregnant lioness:
Via: dream_weaver101
5. Pregnant ladies have mood swings:
6. Pregnant leopard chilling alone:
Via: shaji_mathilakam
7. How pregnant ladies look when they sit:
Via: Fruitqueen
8. Did you notice the baby bump?
Via: 2oceansaquarium
9. Do you know elephants have the longest pregnancy period?
They are pregnant for 18 to 22 months.
10. This is Latte and she is heavily pregnant:
Via: whitewolfcritters
11. She is getting her maternity photoshoot done:
Via: Anna Fotografia
12. This pregnant squirrel is busy eating the peanuts:
Via: JDoctorick
13. A pregnant goat is done with human’s sh*t:
Via: oliveeggfarm
14. A pregnant ferret:
Via: syuk
15. Pregnant lady spotted on the bathroom window:
Via: sallytm
16. A pregnant raccoon who is ready to give birth at any time:
Via: TravellingBeard
17. The pregnant zebra:
Via: spotclickpost
18. The pregnant shrimp:
Via: udontkidwell
19. A pregnant groundhog:
Via: Squatront
20. “My friend’s pregnant goat…”
Via: goodlyearth
21. She is just a few days away from having her baby:
22. Maternity photoshoot of this horse:
23. This pregnant cat is expecting 5 kittens:
Via: INeededACoolerName
24. “A Big Belly Seahorse relaxes in the evening sun. It’s been a while since I posted one of my favourite shots taken in 2017 under a pier in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia.”
25. The pregnant Cheetah:
These animals do not go to the hospital. They give birth to their babies in the wild. Well, domesticated animals do go to the vet and their humans make sure that their pet is getting good care. Some pet owners get maternity photoshoots done for their pets and literally, nothing is cuter than these shoots. Scroll down for more.
26. Aww, someone please pet her pregnant belly:
Via: omgitsbrittie
27. “Pregnant stray followed me home so I guess now I’ll have grandkittens”
Via: pkmnmasterkay
28. When mama is curious to know the gender of the baby:
Via: garlicbreadsIut
29. “my dog is pregnant and she’s so fucking Round i’m losing it”
Via: BoymadeEvil
30. Another Maternity photoshoot:
Via: caitiesfosterfam
31. Pregnant mama seal warming up in the sun:
32. “This lady is very pregnant, I feed her every morning.”
Via: sylvestermacaroni
Via: junkholiday
34. “Pregnant Goat Units”
Via: skippin_kid
35. “pregnant gemini!”
Via: j01001010
36. Look at the way this pregnant doggo is sleeping:
Via: jen_nguyenx
37. A pregnant black rhino:
Via: fabulosajornada
38. “Our first born is all grown up and soon to become a mummy too!”
Via: laurenr.olander
39. Pregnant male Weedy Sea Dragon:
Via: GeorgiaAquarium
40. “She’s over this pregnancy.”
Via: NieNieL
41. Getting her ultrasound done:
Via: Humane Society of Chittenden County
42. The pregnant zebra:
Via: bfaik
43. We need more In n out burgers for this pregnant lady:
Via: heyitskula
44. A pregnant chameleon:
Via: ThaumielKeter
45. “Today we got to witness a giraffe in labor on the safari at Animal Kingdom”
Via: joyandtreasure
46. “We thought we had a couple of months, but the vet told us today that we will have a new baby donkey in the next few days!”
Via: the_hartley_farm
47. “Mojo is so done with this whole “pregnant” thing.”
Via: Raikit
48. A pregnant Meerkat:
Via: seancranephoto
49. “ITAP of my pregnant Dalmatian Molly”
Via: Ninjaneer525
50. Pregnant ladies should eat healthy:
Via: rooparani.clickz
Have you ever seen a pregnant animal before? Did you feed that pregnant animal? Let us know in the comment section down below!
Enjoy this adorable dog tax:
Via: u/MyUsernameIsAdam
“Throwback gloomy beach day”
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