Cat lovers, this one’s going to be a treat for you!

When we talk about beauty, there’s always a particular something that we appreciate more than other things. It’s like that certain thing or feature can define the entire person or even an animal. It could be anything from a habit to their facial features or even their nature. There are no set standards of beauty, though. It could anything or everything!

However, as this article is going to be revolved exclusively around cats, let us tell you the cutest thing about them! As you would have already guessed, it’s their bleps! If you are not aware of what a blep is, it is when they stick their tongues out a little. It is just the cutest sight! Nobody can resist “aww”ing at it. We just melt whenever they do that, even if we are really mad at them for breaking something. There is something so cute about cat bleps that makes us go gaga for them! If you’ve never experienced it before, let us bless you.

We have managed to gather a few pictures which are living proof of it. Scroll down below and enjoy the cuteness.

1. Not sure if this one is high or just sleepy…


Let’s go with the latter.

2. *blows raspberries*


‘I am cuter than you are’

3. This one is just barely there!


You can see it if you just focus

4. The tiniest tongue ever

Cute AF

5. She knows how to go all out


Seems like she’s mocking. Oh well!

6. Another one that you can barely spot


But it’s there. Trust us!

7. This one knows how to roll its tongue


It’s a talent not many possess

8. A cat that looks like an old man…


With his tongue out. Now I’ve seen everything!

9. Just going to let it hang

Sometimes your jaw needs to rest… open

10. Just look at the little blep, and the nose, and the eyes,



Can’t get over how cute these really are. We’re sure you feel the same! We could stare at these all day and not get bored at all. As for you, there is more to go through. So, if you’ve already picked favourites, that might’ve been a mistake because there is a lot more cuteness to go through. Keep scrolling!

11. How I look when I’m trying to focus on something really important


But never have I ever focused THIS hard

12. Excuse me,


Who asked you to be super cute?

13. Brb! Just going to cry because of all the cuteness.



14. This is pretty much all of us when we wake up in the morning


A tiny bit of a mess.

15. When your mouth starts watering when someone else is eating something really delicious near you.


We feel you!

16. There are so many cats in this one picture.


We know which one is the cutest.

17. Peek-a-boo


I blep you

18. Not sure if this one is just trying to be angry


or cute.

19. Seems like someone is super tired


Of doing nothing all-day

20. This is a BONUS for you!


Because big cats also have the cutest bleps.

We are sad that there were too few of these. However, we’d love to see more from you guys. So, if you have cats and have successfully managed to capture pictures of them bleping, share them with us and perhaps, the world. I’m sure we’d all love to see those adorable AF pictures. Comment down below which one was your favourite! Now excuse me whilst I go through all of these for the 100th time!

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