De-clawing a cat is animal ab*se.
Declawing a cat is a contentious and highly debated issue in the animal rights community. Many people believe that it is a cruel and unnecessary procedure that causes physical and emotional harm to the cats. Despite this, some people continue to declaw their cats for a variety of reasons, including furniture protection and personal preference. Declawing is the amputation of the last bone in each toe, which can cause long-term pain and behavioural problems. If that sounds painful, I’m certainly doing it justice. Can you imagine somebody doing that to you? If not, why do humans resort to such heinous methods just to save material possessions?
Don’t get me wrong, I understand how annoying it can be when your favourite pillow or couch is ripped to shreds by your cat, but there are numerous alternative methods we can use to keep your cat from wreaking havoc. For example, you can attach rubber claws to your cat’s toes, and they will naturally fall off after a while. If you don’t want to do that, you can simply buy some toys and scratching posts and place them near furniture so they gravitate towards the post rather than the furniture. However, some people still believe it is acceptable to de-claw your cat, and the woman in the following story is no exception.
Scroll down to read the entire story.
Source: Reddit
We really don’t deserve innocent beings like animals in our lives.
OP was recently reminded of a story including adoption and their cat, so they decided to share it with the world.
OP and their mother usually volunteer at the pet shelter, where OP got their cat as well.
OP and their mother were busy doing volunteer work when in walked an entitled mother and her child.
It was supposed to be closing time in a few hours, so there weren’t many people at the shelter when the entitled woman came in.
Via Reddit
OP’s mom went up to the woman, and OP could only hear a little bit of what was being said, but they certainly saw the expression on the entitled woman’s face.
So when OP’s mom came back, she decided to tell OP all about the interaction that was about the declawing of cats.
OP’s mother was understandably horrified that this woman would think that declawing a cat is acceptable other than for medical reasons.
The reason the entitled family wanted to declaw a cat was because they didn’t want their furniture to be ruined in any way.
OP, however, was still afraid that the entitled family would still leave with a cat by lying.
Via Reddit
But OP’s mother had omitted a few key things that meant that the entitled mother wasn’t able to adopt a cat, and we are all thankful for it.
I’m actually glad she wasn’t able to adopt a cat. Even if she couldn’t find an already declawed cat, she could have obtained the operation for the cat herself. That is why people like this do not deserve to own pets. While I’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s unaware of what this procedure entails, she also refused to hear the explanation, so that excuse is out the window.
I remember asking my vet about the operation because I was afraid my furniture would be destroyed as well when I got my cat. However, the vet clearly explained everything, and I was horrified when I realised what it actually meant.
I don’t think it should be an opinion; it is just fact at this point.
Who cares about a few scratches on furniture anyway?
This is what I am worried about as well.
I don’t want them getting a cat from any shelter.
Via Reddit
Just the thought itself makes me feel sorry for my cat, who is perfectly healthy.
I have heard that rubber moulds are great for cats, who are prone to scratching everything.
Declaring for medical reasons is acceptable, in my opinion.
I 100% agree with this commenter.
I cannot even believe what this kitty must have gone through!
Via Reddit
What are your thoughts on the way the mother of the original poster (OP) handled the situation? Do you own a cat? If so, have you ever considered declawing? If so, what was the reasoning behind it? Please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add in their own similar experiences as well.