Widowed Dad Felt His Life Was Over, Then He Met A Chunky Puppy Named “Bear”
By admin / March 15, 2025 / No Comments / Small Animals
Terry had had an especially tough year in 2019. His wife had suddenly passed away, and later that year he had to bury his beloved dog, Champ. Terry was down in the dumps and didn’t know if he had anything to look forward to in life anymore. But all that changed when a little angel named “Bear” came into his life like a ray of sunshine on a dark, gloomy day!
Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: The Dodo / via YouTube
Terry’s daughter-in-law, Natalie, was the one who initially found Bear. Bear was a stray puppy who was sleeping on the porch of a torn down house near Natalie’s house. When Natalie and her husband spotted Bear, they just knew they had to rescue her. Bear was a bit chunky so they had no problem catching her as she couldn’t outrun them.
Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: The Dodo / via YouTube
Natalie and her husband brought Bear home and started taking care of her. Although she was tired and scared at start, Bear soon realized she was in a safe place now, and her true personality started to shine through. She was a ball of energy despite her large size, and loved playing and having a fun time. This gave Natalie an idea – she decided Bear would be the perfect puppy to surprise her father-in-law with!
Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: The Dodo / via YouTube
So one day, Natalie and her husband told Terry to close his eyes and placed Bear in his lap. The moment Terry opened his eyes, he knew his life had just changed for the better! The video below captures the moment Terry and Bear first met, and it will melt your heart away! The family later found out Bear is a Saint Bernard. She is a true gentle giant who has made Terry’s life worth living again! Seeing how happy Bear has made Terry has truly made us believe that dogs are indeed angels sent to uplift us humans!
Click the video below to watch Terry’s reaction when he meets Bear for the first time!