Kind hooman notices beautiful bengal cat outside in the cold for days, decides to take her in despite being told she belongs to a neighbor: ‘The owners clearly aren’t taking care of her’
By admin / January 13, 2025 / No Comments / Pet Dogs
Since we are at the high of winter at the moment, stories of pawdorable furry friends in need of a home during the cold nights are something we constantly read about. And we have to tell you, it warms our hearts to know there are many hoomans out there who are more than willing to help these furriends in need.
Outside of our own home, we have three sweet furry friends who became known as the’ parking lot cattos’ of our building. Since we have two cats at home, taking in any of these three pawsome friends wasn’t an option for us, but somehow, without saying a word to each other, the residents of the building took it upon themselves to make sure these silly cats are safe and warm during the winter. We set up a feeding station for them, put out DYI houses filled with blankets, and since they hang around at the underground parking lot they are always dry and warm chilling on top of everyone’s cars.
That was honestly the least we could do for the three furry babies, and there are inspiring hoomans out there who do a lot more – Like the heartwarming hooman in the story down below.
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