Dogs have this amazing ability to turn every frown upside down. No, it’s not just a silly phrase, because when it comes to dogs – it’s true. We just need a happy howl, a silly snuggle, a wholesome tail wag, and our moods are instantly boosted in a much more pawsitive direction. If we’re honest, we really just need to have a single look at a delightful doggo walking down the street in the opposite direction to feel better. Are you the same? Because we have a feeling you might be. You’re here, you’re reading this, we can safely assume you’re a doggo enthusiast just like us. You might even be a dog pawrent, with your own fluffy friend on four at home.

But either way, because we know dogs can spread so much joy just with us, humble hoomans, just looking at them – we want to spread this happiness further this Monday. We gathered some pawrecious pupper pictures from across the interwebs, so we can all enjoy them and make our Monday better.

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