27 Teethy Takes of Fluffy Felines Furrociously Flashing Fangs and Feeling Funky
By admin / December 18, 2024 / No Comments / Pet Dogs
Cats can get away with pretty much anything. Even their biting was rebranded as the harmless awwdorable ‘love bites’. We can’t help it. When their itty-bitty teeth mark our finger gently, we melt. It’s like they’re injecting a love potion directly into our bloodstream. They’re like babies. Some of the fluffy felines’ bites are just their curious way of exploring the world. They want to use their senses to assess what’s around them.
Yet some of the aggression directed at hoomans – even those who are nice and have only cuddling intentions – almost feels like a betrayal. In an unexpected moment of the game, while patting and hugging your cat, you suddenly get the teeth. These kinds of bites are not so cute, nor are they cuddly, but just like parenting a child, it’s part of the package.
If your cutie cat is a bit cranky, don’t try to pet him as a gesture of pawsitive attention. He might not see it that way, and you’ll get some biting. If he’s teething, he’ll want to bite anything, so maybe that’s the time to get to know your mittens. We both know you only bought them because they have cat prints on them. Plus, they rhyme with kittens, that’s gotta be a sign. And if you’re still worried by the sharp experience, we have collected feline funnies of hoomans who deal with the same problem – they can’t handle the tooth.
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