Cats have quite a dual nature. They can be the sweetest itty bitty kitties, producing wholesome purr sounds and precious little meows, and even exposing their belly as an ultimate sign of trust. But cats can also zoom away during a 3 am zoomies attack, growling at the darkness and hunting your feet while you sleep. Of course cats are not so black and white, but they definitely have the black and the white within them.

Just as cats can be either adorable pawdorable cuddly little babies or demon beasts who will sell your soul for a single cat treat, so are cat memes. Cat memes come in all the various shades and shadiness of cats, and they can be both wholly wholesome and furiously feral and hilarious. Since we can safely assume you love cats if you’re here, we can also confidently guess you love cat memes – and that means all kinds of cat memes. We gathered some of the most wholesome and the most feral cat memes out there – so we can all enjoy them together.

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