Okay feline fam, it’s time we got real with you for a second. We like to make everything sunshine, rainbows, and pawsitivity over here at I Can Has Cheezburger, but we’re a hooman too, and we also have bad days. We had a series of pretty bad days a few years ago, to the point where things were getting a little dark. But then, a cute, smol kitten wandered into our lives with the help of the cat distribution system, and everything started to get better. 

They became our reason for getting out of bed in the meowrning, even if their incessant meowing at 5 AM was annoying at times. They gave us a reason to be excited to come home, to go to bed, and even to have someone to share a meal with. They are our prrecious fur baby, our furrever snuggle buddy, and our lives would be seriously sour without them in it. Scroll down to see some other cat lovers’ reasons for getting out of bed in the meowrning (they may not be as cute as your cat, but they are certainly awwdorable!).

Read More https://cheezburger.com/37900805/23-furry-reasons-in-the-form-of-feline-munchkins-to-get-out-of-bed-in-the-morning-that-keep-meowing

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