Cats are criminals. That is a known fact at this point, right? Cats commit crimes, real crimes, crimes with consequences, every single day. Cats steal food off our plates without any shame. Cats rob grocery stores and steal incredibly valuable sausages. Cats conquer dogs’ beds and stand proud right in front of their faces. Cats and their crimes are something that every cat owner should be aware of. Now, take all of that and make the cat ginger… and you have a recipe for chaos.

Because it is also known that ginger cats only have one braincell. Collectively, we mean. Ginger cats want to commit crimes but don’t go about it quite as intellectually as other cats. They still do it though, and in a way, it makes their crimes all the more impressive. Which is clearly why this ginger cat owner has decided to warn their neighbors about the clementine criminal in advance. 


  • 1

    Posted by u/PM_ME_LADY_SHOULDERS 5 days ago Adopted a new orange recently. I had to take some... precautions. Peaches and cream

    Look. We all know orange cats at this point. We know their antics. But, we have to admit, that we did not think about writing pre-emptive warnings to our neighbors. And maybe we should. Maybe this is the way to avoid unnecessary shenanigans and mishaps. 

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  • 2

    Greetings, concerned citizen. I have a new cat. He likes to yell. All of his needs are met. His desires are fulfilled. He wants for nothing. Do not believe his lies.

    And if the way that we warn people is this funny, then we don’t think anyone would complain about it. Except the cat. The cat would complain about it, because all of its shenanigans would be thwarted, and its plans for world domination will be far more difficult to achieve. 

  • 3

    Cheezburger Image 10394484992

  • 4

    CharlesButWorse 5 days ago

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  • 5

    PM_ME_LADY_SHOULDERS OP. 5 days ago If you listened to him you'd think he was being mistreated (read: starved)

  • 6

    wink wink_nudgenudge 5 days ago Wow, what cool eyes!

  • 7

    PM_ME_LADY_SHOULDERS OP . 5 days ago They even match his orange and white in certain lighting :)

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  • 8

    Allison WhoDat - 5 days ago CORRECTION: what you have right there is a cream sickle. They are potentially worse than just plain oranges, because they appear to be somewhat intact, but truth be told, they are morons. Screaming morons. Hallucinating, screaming morons. With teeth.....and cute whiskers. Proceed.

  • 9

    kittykate2929. 5 days ago My Orange must be a cream since she screams at everything

  • 10

    trash_fancy 5 days ago Thank you! I have my own creamsicle who loves to scream. He's my first cat, and I've been so confused about the mournful wailing. I'm very relieved to know it's just a quirk!

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  • 11

    curryp4n 5 days ago I have a creamsicle. She likes to yell as well. She also makes raccoon noises all day

  • 12

    Funkopopgirl. 5 days ago Agree. My creamsicle believes she owns the entire house (she does) and will yell at you if you do not pet her for exactly ten minutes upon returning home BUT don't go past ten or you get the mittens

  • 13

    polly-pessimisim · 4 days ago can confirm. my little creamsicle is the loudest of our 3. he just likes to yell

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  • 14

    justaboutgivenup . 4 days ago My creamsicle also likes to SCREAM.

  • 15

    UnfunnyWatermelon469 5 days ago It's so hard to resist giving him chin scratchies

  • 16

    PM_ME_LADY_SHOULDERS OP Why even resist?

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  • 17

    Temarimaru . 5 days ago That is the nature of orange cats. It takes years to adjust. Very unpredictable cats

  • 18

    anjunabeads 5 days ago My orange is the most dramatic baby. He does these two part cries that kind of go

  • 19

    angelindisguise. 5 days ago Oranges have opinions

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  • 20

    BabaMouse 5 days ago Oranges of all stripes (a-HEM!) love the sound of their voices. They are also, in my experience, more sensitive to the presence of greebles.

  • 21

    PM_ME_LADY_SHOULDERS OP. 5 days ago Oh boy does he love to let me know what he's thinking ALL the time!


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