We all know that times come the fly by as fast as lightning, for all we know, we feel like it’s just been yesterday when we are still playing in the backyard, running around as a kid while the adults are watching over us, and by the time we realize it, we are the one observing our own kids and we become an adult.

In this video I am about to show you, This will show how time can really change your perspective in life, you might be sad, or be happy, or feel nostalgic for the good old days, but I can assure you that whatever you feel from reading this it’ll be a good reminder that time is always running and will generation will always change.

The video I am about to show you has been posted on Tiktok on 2021-6-17 by aileenserrano, with the caption: “My heart wasn’t ready”. It had over 12 million likes and is still being shown on the home page of TikTok to this day. At the first glance of the video, you will see two cats, the white one which is called Big Kitty, and the small one called Lucifer.

It is shown here that Lucifer is a new part of the family and Big Kitty is being wary of Lucifer if he should treat him as part of them by patting its head. obviously, because lucifer is so small, he can’t do anything but let Big Kitty pat his head until it is satisfied.

Lucifer tried to return Big Kitty’s feelings by patting it too but as small as Lucifer is, he can’t manage to do that since he has very small legs and can’t yet reach the Big Kitty.

Big Kitty even tried to sniff Lucifer, and of course, lucifer does it too, this shows that the two of them are having greetings with each other and getting to know each other.

after the 15th second of the video, the clip transitioned into the year after Lucifer was adopted into the family this is where it gets really heartwarming, as lucifer already became big and he now is doing what Big Kitty did to him a year ago, he is now the one greeting the new part of their family, which is really sad, nostalgic and heart warming at the same time.

Lucifer is greeting the new part of their family by patting the kitten’s head and sniffing it. it just shows that the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation. this seems like the kid lucifer has become a proper adult and been teaching the kitten about their culture which captivated the hear of many TikTok users.


My heart wasn’t ready 🥺🤧 #catsoftiktok

♬ original sound – 클라우디아 🫰🥰Claudia

Recently Aileenserrano made a video update about Big kitty and Lucifer on her TikTok channel! If you want to follow them just click here! and if you enjoyed reading this article please consider sharing this with the others thank you very much!

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