Greetings and salutations, feline enthusiasts.  You all know as well as we do that cats love them some food. My cat at home has a penchant for yogurt, cheese, and fish. But I’m willing to wager that if I waved a delicious-looking slice of pizza in his face, he would lunge at it like a hunter lunging at its prey. The man is not super picky. He is however the owner of my entire heart. 

Anyway, cats don’t mind getting messy when they are enthusiastically enjoying a meal. They stay focused on their mission: to devour all food in sight. Sure, they may not have the best table manners, but who needs etiquette when you’re this cute? Not these guys, that’s for sure. Only cats can get this messy and still look this sweet. Peruse this delightful series of pictures featuring adorable cats who aren’t afraid to get a bit messy while enjoying a good meal. 

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