If my dog ever shows up with a cat asking if we can keep it, you bet I’m not saying no. Especially if he’s as cute as Peter. 

These three German Shepherd brothers came home one day with a surprise for their hooman—Peter the stray cat. In this wholesome viral video, the doggo owner films his three pups, Riga, Rose, and Reira, standing at the door, wagging their tails, and showing off their new friend. How can you say no to those faces? 


The video goes on to introduce each of the furry friends, and the human even shares some wholesome photos of the clan lounging around together. 

The internet went crazy for their heartwarming friendship, commenting things like, “They know you’re a good person. They were like, ‘hey, our human isn’t like the ones that hurt you, come with us'” and more hilarious responses like, “They totally told that cat ‘it’s fine, the human won’t say no'”. 

I don’t know about you guys, but all I can think of is Homeward Bound and those pets’ iconic friendship. Peter knew what he was doing, adopting three German Shepherds and a hooman. We are so happy for this little crew. 

Follow along to see more of the newfound friends’ adventures.

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Read More https://cheezburger.com/2481415/german-shepherd-doggo-siblings-bring-home-peter-the-stray-cat-forming-the-most-wholesome-furever

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