Reddit user named ThreeHoursAway shared his story on the subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” to share a problem he had with his old friend during Christmas. He had invited him to stay at his place because his friend had no other plans. But his friend brought his whole family, including two dogs, without telling him. OP was surprised and unhappy because his wife doesn’t like dogs, and he doesn’t know how they behave.

He asked his friend why he didn’t say anything about the dogs, and his friend said he thought he knew because he always had two dogs. OP said sorry, but the dogs couldn’t stay in his house. His friend and his family got angry and called him names. They said he spoiled their holiday.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/ThreeHoursAway

1. Let’s find out!

2. When his old friend’s Christmas plans got ruined, OP decided to save the day by inviting him to spend it with his family.

3. The friend asked if he could bring his whole family with him and OP was perfectly fine with it.

4. However when the friend arrived, he had his two dogs with him as well.

5. When OP asked about the dogs, the friend said he had already told him he was bringing his whole family.

6. OP shared he is not comfortable with animals whole training he is not familiar with. And the fact that his wife is not a dog person just wouldn’t let this arrangement work in any way.

7. So OP finally told his friend they could not live at his house if the dogs were going to stay with them.

8. The friend and his family called OP an AH.

9. OP asked the AITA community if what he did made him an AH or not.

Source: u/ThreeHoursAway

NTA. I really liked that thing OP said regarding his wife. His wife really was already doing him a huge favor letting his friend and family stay at their house for Christmas. And the fact that she isn’t a dog person would’ve definitely made things worse had OP allowed the dogs to stay. Remain firm.

Here’s what the AITA community had to say about this:

10. Bringing a dog is a huge imposition.

Via stroppo

11. The whole family does not include your pet.

Via Lovegivingadvice

12. If you don’t check with the host and bring a pet along, you are disrespecting them.

Via snarkisms

13. Majority does not think of the whole family as “the humans and the pets”.

Via Reddit

14. If you have kids and one dog, in a job application will you write 3 under “Number of Children” or 2?

Via General_Relative2838

15. See. The animal community agrees what the friend did was manipulative.

Via Reddit

16. He assumed OP would be fine with the dogs. You can’t assume such things.

Via NightNurse14

17. It was really that simple just to ask properly.

Via magestic_waffles

18. He used the term “whole family” because he knew OP would say no.

Via MoneyBackground5513

19. Your family is your family. That doesn’t mean everyone will accept your family. Don’t feel that entitled.

Via Kris82868

20. Why did the friend agree to OP wanting him to stay over for Christmas when he had dogs and knew he would not allow them to stay.

Via VictorianPlatypus

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via mollyaclarke

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