Fear of dogs can be really tough, making it hard to be around friends and family who have dogs or to do regular things. People’s fear of dogs varies a lot. Some are only scared of really large breeds, while others might feel okay seeing dogs on TV but get nervous around real ones.

Today’s story is about someone who works long hours and has a husband who spends a lot of time alone. When they moved, the husband wanted to get a dog, a Doberman. He had one as a child but had to give it away. He really wanted a dog again, but OP, Reddit user u/litzomaniaa, was against it. She’s terrified of big dogs and isn’t much of an animal person. She asked him to wait until they had a house with a yard. But he got a dog anyway, which made her feel betrayed.

Their disagreement led to her seeking a divorce. Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/litzomaniaa

1. OP’s husband brought home a puppy and she was not happy about it.

2. OP and her husband have after being married for 6 years moved to a new state.

3. WHen the two first moved, the husband brought up that he eagerly wanted a Doberman.

4. OP did not want this to happen but because her husband really wanted it, he agreed on the condition that they would get the dog after they rent or purchase a house.

5. She said this so the dog would have ample space to do whatever he wanted to and wouldn’t be on top of each other.

6. He agreed with OP. However a year later when the two moved into a new apartment, the husband told OP he had put in a deposit for a new Doberman.

7. OP told her husband he is scared of big dogs so he shouldn’t get it, but he said it was only a puppy so she shouldn’t worry.

8. The couple erupted in a fight.

9. The husband had gotten approval from the property manager as well by creating a fake doctor’s letter that he needed an emotional support dog.

10. OP tried everything in her power to stop her husband from purchasing the Doberman because she was not comfortable living with a dog.

OP needs to get a divorce from this person. I am so annoyed right now. You can clearly see OP is willing to make a huge compromise here for the happiness of her husband. She has agreed to live with a dog, something she would have never imagined to do, just because her husband really wanted a dog. She only demanded they get the dog after moving into a house so the dog won’t be all over her and would have ample space to do whatever the heck he wanted to.

But he is still not listening. Shows where his priorities lie.

Source: u/litzomaniaa

11. OP thought she had finally succeeded but one day after returning home from a work trip, the husband brought home with him a Doberman.

12. OP had no idea about this. She felt betrayed and wanted a divorce.

13. The husband hasn’t apologized for what he did and OP feels bad that he prioritized a dog he got himself two days ago over his wife of 6 years.

14. In an edit OP added she was okay with a smaller breed but her husband only wanted the Doberman.

15. Although getting a house wouldn’t resolve OP’s fear of dogs, it would still make life livable with a dog.

Source: u/litzomaniaa

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

16. Perhaps OP can report this to an animal-related tribunal or something and have the dog removed.

Via smallerbeams

17. Clearly you aren’t his priority. There is no point for this couple to live together.

Via Voleuse

18.  Taking divorce is the best decision OP would be making.

Via stormoverparis

19. Marriages are all about compromises. OP was willing to make one and he wasn’t.

Via ConsistentCheesecake

20. And he ignored all of that and just did what he wanted to because he wanted to. That is not a partnership.

Via JustAsICanBeSoCruel

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via NYChomie

Cat tax.

“Every time I shower he thinks I am suffering and tries to rescue me.”

Read More https://defused.com/man-threatened-with-divorce/

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