This wholesome story reminds us of our cat Leo, who was left at our doorstep one cold wintery afternoon. He was so small that he could fit into the palm of our hand! After a few weeks of sleepless nights, he was fat and healthy! We were so happy that he survived.

Not to toot our own horn, but people who rescue animals should be rewarded (with cat cuddles). We think that the act of rescuing creates a strong emotional bond between the rescuer and the animal… It warms our hearts to be kind, and it warms their hearts to be saved.

One adorable 3-week-old stray kitten showed up at a surprised person’s door one day. 4 months later, this person posted a heartwarming update on how this cat was doing. Scroll down for the full story! Afterward, check out these ferociously feisty feline memes to pspsps your way through the work week.

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