As cat people, we always wonder… if our cats had the ability to speak, what would they say? Because sadly, even the most intelligent cats unfortunately cannot speak. And even if you think you know what your cat’s meows mean… you don’t really. Well… apparently, there is something you can do about it.

You have all seen those videos of people recording their voice onto large buttons and dogs stepping on those buttons to communicate with their humans, right? We see those videos everywhere. And although we have seen plenty of people attempt to teach their cats to use those same buttons, cats tend to not… cooperate. Hey, if there is something out there that we want our cats to do, we’re kind of prepared for them to purposefully not want to do it, that’s just part of having cats. But not in this case. This case is one of success. Or is it? Because while it’s true that this cat learned to use the buttons… will it use the buttons for good or evil? 

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