Hey, I Can Has-ers, happy Caturday! It’s our favorite day of the week and we’re spending all day doing what we love most – scrolling through hissterical cat memes, cuddling with our cats, and engaging in all of the feline activities we can. Just in case you’re having a purrticularly rainy day, or feeling a little under the weather on this glorious Caturday, we’re sending you a purrfect package of love in the form of some cute cats that have no other purpose than to make your Caturday pawsitively happy!

Come dive into the whiskery world of floofy felines, happy cats, and awwdorably cute kittens. If these purrfect pictures don’t make you smile, we don’t know what will! Caturday only comes once a week, and we want to make sure that you enjoy it to its fullest. Scroll down for some feline fun below!

Unleash the Purrfection: Subscribe to our newsletter for a daily dose of kitty comedy!


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    He’s not the hero we wanted, but he’s the hero we deserved. It’s cat-batman! Wait, that’s not how it’s supposed to go. Oh well, he looks like a fierce protector, and we wouldn’t want to mess with him in the dark!

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    So much floof! All we can think about right now is pinching those cute, chubby cheeks. That’s it, the day is over, we’re purrfectly content petting this adorable cat and its peanut cheeks until tomorrow.

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