We often hear stories of neglected, abandoned and mistreated cats that have had to survive in terrible conditions.

Fortunately, the world is full of kind people who will care for and give them the opportunity to find new homes where these once abandoned creatures will finally get the life they deserve.

One of those people is Molly, she found an abandoned cat, now named Dinah, in a terrible state. But after being given lots of care and attention, she regained her health and now lives in a loving home.

Scroll down for Dinah’s story and see pictures of the amazing transformation she went through.


When Molly first saw Dinah on the streets she was in a very bad way, Molly knew she needed immediate attention.

“She was like skin and bones. I think I was keeping a tab on her for probably about four or five days before I was actually able to catch her,” she explained.


Once at the vet they discovered her whole body was infested with fleas, the black marks on her face were actually flea dirt!

She was very dehydrated and suffered from an upper respiratory infection.

She also had very painful ulcers on her tongue, so it came as no surprise that she was having trouble eating and had become emaciated.


The vet took immediate action, she was given IV fluids, antibiotics and flea medication.

In no time at all Diana transformed into a beautiful, strong and healthy kitty.


From the vet she was put into the care of Stray Cat Alliance, they found her a foster home and then a loving family that were ready to adopt her into their home.


Her new owner, Rebecca, knew that Dinah had gone through a lot of hardships.

“Our cat of 14 years had developed a heart condition and sadly passed away. After mourning her, we decided that it was time to give a new kitty a loving home.”

“We visited a handful of shelters, all had very lovely cats, but we were waiting for the instant connection. It happened when I saw Dinah,” she explained.


“She was shy and somewhat cautious but seemed as interested in me as I was in her.”


Rebecca recalls her thoughts from when she first saw Dinah.

“She seemed very interested in us (my husband and I) but she was terribly shy and unsure.”

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“We didn’t know much about her history, just that she was a stray kitten that had been rescued by the shelter and that she had spent some time in a foster home. But ultimately, she ended up back in the shelter’s care.”


Being adopted by Rebecca and her family was the new beginning that Dinah needed.

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She quickly transformed into a brave and confident cat, playful and happy to be with a family that she loved.


“She is a fluffy little clown, she always has us laughing. She loves to play and follow us all around the house.”

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“She likes to ‘help out’ with chores like making the bed and loading the dishwasher. She likes watching TV with us and overall just wants to be a part of whatever is going on.”


Dinah now has a comfortable home, a loving human family, and she even has a feline brother, Gandalf, to keep her company!

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It always makes my heart sing when I hear a rescue story that has a happy ending.

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I’m sure that Dinah will now have a long, happy life with a loving family.


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Read More https://welovecatsandkittens.com/cat-stories/rescued-cat-is-all-skin-and-bones-until-she-finds-a-loving-home/

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