





My work tried to order all the employees custom blankets for Xmas, but there was a mixup and now there are 26 blankets of my boy Finley





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        <div>Finley! Come on, if we received a blanket of Finley, we would be pawsitively delighted. He's way cuter than a boring company logo. If they don't want them, we'll take all of theirs. We can make a giant blanket fort full of Finleys and then we'll be both warm and happy throughout the winter!</p></div>




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medicmatt76 1 day ago

        <div>This is an artist's rendition of Finley being a sneaky little boy and changing the picture on his own. He feels that he's not getting the recognition he deserves, and if his owner won't let him go to work with him, he might as well get his face on the company blanket. It's only fair.</p></div>




SprinklesR_4winners 21 hr. ago This does not sound like a mixup to me, it's a Christmas miracle!




willhunta OP - 20 hr. ago It definitely is in my eyes! but the rest of the staff aren't as stoked as I am Imao




stoked_camper. 13 hr. ago What a good boy, sharing Christmas cheer





Digs_With_Dogs - 20 hr. ago Doesn't sound like a mistake to me. :)




19 hr. ago A Finley Christmas is about as good. as it gets Happy-Example-1022




RhubarbRoutine1314 20 hr. ago This is hilarious, I love it!





montisval 19 hr. ago I wouldn't even be mad. He's so cute I'll take 2.




<img src=”https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9854604032/hDDECDB82/looking-spare-blankets-if-anyone-wishes-pass-their-blanket-along-someone-who-would-welcome-them” id=”_r_a_9854604032″ width=”664″ height=”632″ alt=”bickets 17 hr. ago I love this! I would send out a very friendly email along the lines of “While I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t love to be wrapped up in a picture of my dog Findley, I imagine it’s a possibility. Most local dog shelters are always looking for spare blankets if anyone wishes to pass their blanket along to someone who would welcome them.”” title data-old-src=””>




unhelpfulinvestment 18 hr. ago I absolutely want one. What a hilarious story to tell!





Odd Needleworker_104 19 hr. ago . Best mixup ever, they will love this I'm certain!




FazedorDeViuvas . 19 hr. ago May I send you my CV?




WuuutADude - 19 hr. ago . Lifelong supply





Azanskippedtown · 19 hr. ago THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!




fruski83 18 hr. ago . Amazing error. I would HAPPILY accept, and snuggle up under, a Finley blanket.




discombobulationz 19 hr. ago Hahaha this is incredible. I would be so happy to get one of these.





chipitaway 17 hr. ago he's obviously a good boy




Accomplished Pop9851 18 hr. ago Well...now you have something to give to all the members of your family.




Maidwell 17 hr. ago I see no downside!





Castaway78 19 hr. ago




MartingaleGala. 15 hr. ago Best gift ever from an employer. I'd be thrilled to receive it!




auntypatu 17 hr. ago Your dog Finley is going to be famous. You need to go on the news with your fantastic blankets. What a picture





. gumballpeppers - 16 hr. ago That is the opposite of a problem lol


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