Sometimes strangers on the internet aren’t as nasty as the majority of comment sections make them out to be. It turns out strangers can actually be quite wholesome. Or maybe they just want to show off their cute doggo pics. Either way, we’re not complaining. 

The OP of this thread was in the hospital about to undergo surgery when she took to Reddit. She couldn’t see her dog, so she was feeling extra down. She he kindly asked some fellow Redditors to send over some goofy floof pics to cheer her up. She added that she was desperately in need on a good laugh. And wholesomely enough, the internet pulled through. Hundreds of silly pooches flooded the thread, showing off their bestest of smiles, biggest of bellies, and boopiest of snoots. What more can you ask for? 

Needless to say, the OP got the cheering up she was looking for. And then some. 

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