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Rescuer Laura G in Winnipeg, Manitoba, shares the transformation of Rita, named after a margarita. In just a few days, she went from scared and desperate to escape to a cuddle puddle. Then, she started demanding kisses from her rescuers as she realized she was safe and loved.

“She was quite spicy on arrival but quickly transformed once she realized how great cuddles and kisses can be ?,” shared Laura.

Rita had been trying to survive at a rural dump area, but an employee was determined to help her. Since the beautiful kitten was so scared and hostile, he used his sweater and backpack to contain her. He managed to capture the wily kitten, and then he started looking for Rita’s remaining family members.

Images and media via Instagram/laura_and_her_cats

Meanwhile, the rescuers were working with the manager to explain how important TNR (trap, neuter, return) efforts could be for the feral cats living there.

Rita Goes from Hissy to Demanding Kisses

Laura documented how Rita went from a frightened feral kitten to a loving one in just days. She just needed to learn that she could trust people, but she was not happy whatsoever on the first day.

“I don’t have many pictures of this little lady, as she quickly went from hiding and hissing to crawling all over me and demanding kisses, so I’ve included a few videos taken over the past 4 days, showing her transformation,” Laura shared.

Rita Wants Out

On day one, Rita tried everything she could to look big and scary, batting at the sides of her crate and kicking litter everywhere. She was a tiny terror!

“Video 1: her first morning here, desperate to escape, totally hating me.”

Her First Kisses

One day later, Rita was already succumbing to the foster mom’s affections, though still uneasy.

“Video 2: 24 hrs in, I managed to get her in my hands and give her her first few pets and kisses. She was uncertain but allowed it.”

On the second morning, Rita allowed herself to purr for her mama. That’s when the kitten “transformed into a total cuddle puddle” and explored the world outside the kennel.

“Video 3: her second morning here, first purrs!”

Demanding More Love

Even though the pretty kitten had the freedom to move around, she clung to Laura and wanted more cuddles and kisses.

“Videos 4-6: despite having the freedom to explore, she sticks to my side, forcing (as if she has to force me lol) me to give her lots and lots of pets, cuddles and kisses. She loooooves kisses ?. Welcome to the family Rita; we are so happy you are here!”

By now, the formerly wild kitten was a lap cat. You would never know she was so afraid of people just days before!

All Grown Up and Adopted

In November, the kitten was growing up into a real beauty, and found a furever home.

“Rita went home with her new mommy and daddy and looks forward to meeting her new big sister very soon. Both girls are just a little bit shy but cuddly and playful, they should make perfect furever Furiends.”

Grown up Rita

Grown up Rita finds a home

Meanwhile, Laura G’s work was just beginning when she took in a rowdy group of spicy 8-week-old kittens dubbed the Addams family. Previously, we shared the story of Laura G’s three foster kittens born to a hostile feral cat. However, they transformed into social butterflies, much like the once spicy kitten named for a margarita.

For more, you can follow along and support Laura G on Instagram. Those in the Winnipeg area can contact Grateful Friends Animal Rescue about kittens and cats for adoption.


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By Corbin Black|2022-12-29T09:42:42-05:00December 29th, 2022|Categories: Awwdorable, Kittens, Rescue|Tags: Canada, Cole, Dump, female ginger cat, Feral Kitten, First kiss, ginger cat, hissy, Laura G, Manitoba, margarita, Rita, Winnipeg|Comments Off on Wild Rescued Kitten Rita Goes from Spicy to Mild to Demanding Kisses

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About the Author: Corbin Black

Corbin Black is an animal lover who loves everything in nature. Plants and pets surround him at all times. Notably, he’s a guy who loves all furbabies, enjoying dogs and cats in equal measure! Of course, he also loves tortoises, froggies, aquariums, ponds, and -ok, pretty much everything.

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