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Foster kittens dubbed the Thankful Babies love each other, affectionately snuggling together.

For those who haven’t been owned by cats, there can be a misconception that cats aren’t affectionate. But that couldn’t be further from the truth, as anyone who has fostered kittens or had cats knows. Kittens can form the cutest loving bonds with other kittens, often from other litters.

Foster mom Heidi Shoemaker shared a video of 7-week-old Hannie snuggling Jadon. The rescuer has helped hundreds of kittens in Castle Rock, Colorado, but seeing a kitten love fest never gets old. At their age, Hannie and Jadon would soon be ready to find a furever home together and take their cute show on the road. Whoever adopts such a bonded duo will enjoy daily doses of the cutest medicine.

Images and media via Facebook/Foster Kitten Mama

Mama Cleo and the Thankful Babies

A Pile of Snuggling ‘Thankful Babies’

What’s better than two cuddling kittens? A pile of them. Below are Hannie and Jadon’s siblings at five weeks old, born to rescue Mama Cleo.

 Mama Cleo, about one year old, was an owner surrender due to severe allergies in the home and was used to being around people. She arrived with her name, and her six-day-old babies were dubbed the “Thankful Babies” because they grew up around Thanksgiving. But the babies were actually born on Halloween. 

The Thankful Babies and Mama Cleo, Colorado

Born on Halloween

The Thankful Babies are: Baby Rei, Gracie, Hannie, Jadon and Jobe.

“Each name means THANKFUL or GRATEFUL!!! How perfect for the month of Thanksgiving!!!????,” Shoemaker shared.

The Thankful Babies: Baby Rei, Gracie, Hannie, Jadon and Jobe.

The Thankful Babies: Baby Rei, Gracie, Hannie, Jadon and Jobe.

Thankful For a Caring Home

At four weeks old, the Thankful Babies were adorable but had a rough early start. Shoemaker had to give them multiple medications and eye drops, but they recovered and eventually began eating wet food.

Heidi Shoemaker foster mom, Foster Kitten Mama, Castle Rock, Colorado

Shoemaker via Foster Kitten Mama

Although they arrived with Mama Cleo, the foster mom still had to ensure they got enough nutrition, syringe feeding when some of the kittens didn’t seem to be gaining weight. But thankfully, the Thankful Babies all made it.

rescued kittens, Heidi Shoemaker, Castle Rock, Colorado

Growing up around the holidays makes for some adorable pictures with festive presents and Christmas trees.

Two of the tabbies playing on a blanket with a red handmade ball toy and a present

Hannie Loves Jadon

At three weeks, Hannie was already posing for the cutest pictures.

“This picture kills me they are just so cute!!! Hannie is always posing for me and is so alert! They are all so precious!!?????”

Hannie falling over in a red blanket, Thankful Babies

It seems that Jadon and Hannie had a special bond early on.

“Not sure what Jadon is trying to do to Hannie!!??? They are soooo cute though!!!????”

Below are Jadon and Hannie sitting in a tree together.

Jadon and Hannie sitting in a Tree

Jadon and Hannie sitting in a tree.

Today, Hannie and Jadon are almost ready to find a home together!

They, their siblings, and Mama Cleo will all be starting new lives thanks to Shoemaker’s care and kind people who donate to make it all possible. Those in Colorado can find out more about adopting or supporting kittens, like the Thankful Babies on Instagram, Facebook, and the Foster Kitten Mama website.

By the way, Hannie has developed a beautiful spotted belly to rub.

Hannie the tabby kitten has a spotted belly

Below, we couldn’t resist showing Gracie and Rei, who posed in the holiday blankets for their first Christmas.

“Sleepy baby Gracie!??”

Gracie the kitten with a gingerbread man toy

“Sweet little Rei is getting so big! He weighs the most out of his siblings. Happy and healthy boy!!???”

Baby Rei

Baby Rei on a Christmas blanket


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By Corbin Black|2022-12-22T09:48:29-05:00December 22nd, 2022|Categories: Awwdorable, Fostering, Kittens|Tags: affection, Castle Rock, Cole, Colorado, cuddling, Foster Kitten Mama, Heidi Shoemaker, Marmalade, snuggling, Thankful Babies|Comments Off on Snuggling ‘Thankful Babies’ Show How Affectionate Kittens Can Be

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About the Author: Corbin Black

Corbin Black is an animal lover who loves everything in nature. Plants and pets surround him at all times. Notably, he’s a guy who loves all furbabies, enjoying dogs and cats in equal measure! Of course, he also loves tortoises, froggies, aquariums, ponds, and -ok, pretty much everything.

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