Kittens take their first baby steps in foster care with a loving family, the Malones. In late July, foster mom Laura from San Jose, CA, took in three kittens, Tic, Tac, and Toe, from a local shelter. 

Images and media via Instagram/fosterkittyfamily

Even on a family vacation, she missed fostering bottle babies, her specialty for five years. Now, she had three tiny 3-day-old babies that needed round-the-clock care. Laura directs Mini Cat Town, a rescue in San Jose, California. Her husband, Conor, the “Foster Dad” or FD, and their kids often help out with the foster babies.

When she rescued Tic (Tuxie), Tac (Giner), and Toe (white) from the local shelter, they needed bottle feeding every two hours. Toe was especially tiny and weak from the start.

“My job is to make sure they’re fed, monitor their growth, take them to checkups, and socialize them, so they are healthy and well-adjusted. ❤ And I get paid in kitten snuggles and purrs. (And sometimes scratches. ?,” she shared. “His tiny paw on my hand! ?

Sadly, little Toe passed away from an upper respiratory illness despite the foster’s incredible efforts, medications, incubation, and everything humanly possible. But thankfully, Tic and Tac made it, growing robust like “little butterballs” as the family poured their energy into making sure Toe’s brothers grew big and strong.

Tuxedo and ginger kitten being held

“Tic & Tac are little butterballs. If Tac ends up on his back, he has to rock back and forth to try and roll over because he’s so round! Both have opened their eyes and are more active and vocal with each day. They have voracious appetites and have begun to purr!”

Ginger kitten with tuxedo kitten

From the start, Tac was smitten with FD and wanted to be held in his palm or cuddled on his arm.

“Tac didn’t want FD to put him down! ?

Conor Malone, Foster Dad to tiny ginger kitten Tac

Tic and Tac Takes Their First Baby Steps

By early August, Tic and Tac were taking their first baby steps. Lucky for us, Laura caught it on video, and it’s super cute. Just a few days later, they were getting steadier though a little wobbly. At that time, they would explore a play space and their first shallow litter box.

“Let’s go for a walk! Pretty soon they’ll be zooming all over the place. But for now, it’s baby steps.”

The tiny ginger Tac has particularly long toes to help with his baby steps. It was another thing he had in common with FD.

“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, it’s me, Tac. ? My Foster Mom says I have really long toes just like Foster Dad. (It’s true. Foster Dad’s long skinny toes were almost a deal breaker for me. ?)”

Now, Tic was beginning to sprout little teefers.

“Wait. Since when did you sprout teeth? ?

Tic meows showing his tiny teefers

Meanwhile, Tac’s belly was hitting the floor when he wobbled, the funny potato with legs phase.

“If you look closely, you’ll see that his very full belly is touching the ground when he sits. ?

Tac has a potato belly

Tac Loves Her Twinsie Foster Dad (FD)

Tac continued to love all the attention from redhead FD, but Tic was less interested. Later, though, Tic craved attention, following his foster mom and watching her, demanding attention with “chirps and funny antics.”

Foster Dad with Tac all wrapped up in a blanket like a baby

They were “Twinsies ??.”

Conor Malone and the foster kittens, Mini Cat Town

At first, it seems Tic was a little awkward regarding affection.

“I’m giving him a hug.”

Tic tries to cuddle Tac

By late September, it was a big milestone for Tic and Tac; they were ready to be neutered. Then, they could graduate to Mini Cat Town and find forever homes, hopefully together.

Tic and Tac all grown up

By October, Tic and Tac graduated and began a new life of adventure at the adoption center.

“And they’re off! I was surprised that Tic was the more outgoing of the two. Both were a little shy, but still did a little exploring and even played with some toys. Anytime they felt intimidated by another bigger kitty, they’d retreat to a “safe” spot, but then they’d venture back out to do more exploring. “

All grown up, kittens explore Mini Cat Town adoption center in San Jose, CA

In an update, we see that Tic and Tac have adjuted, are loving life, and meeting people. It’s all thanks to the Malones, Mini Cat Town, and all the love and TLC they poured into these little furbabies. And that’s all thanks to donations from so many kind people out there. For more, you can follow along on Instagram. Find out more about Mini Cat Town in San Jose on Facebook and Instagram.

Tac all grown up with Sunflower, Tic and Tac



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