Can Dogs Eat Olives? Are They Safe? How Many Can They Have?
By admin / July 1, 2022 / No Comments / Pet Dogs
If you love a black olive or two in your salad, a green olive in your martini, or a salty treat, you may have wondered if your pup would enjoy them too.
Or better yet, if dogs can have olives.
Fruits and vegetables are essential for our daily diet and crucial for your canine’s health.
Although dogs can have plain olives in moderation, some olives may have toxic ingredients that are harmful to dogs, so it’s essential to choose the right type of this fruit.
Can Dogs Eat Olives?
Yes, dogs can enjoy olives as a snack on occasion.
Olives are rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial not only for humans but for dogs as well.
Although this vegetable has lots of healthy fats and proteins, it also has many unnecessary calories to add to your pup’s diet.
Dogs can also enjoy olive oil. Here is a dog treat recipe your pup will love:
Are Olives Bad for Dogs?
When you feed your dog a plain olive or two, your dog will get too much on a healthy treat.
It can be potentially dangerous if your dog eats too many olives.
Seasonings and marinate often contain red wine vinegar, garlic, onion, salt, and other ingredients that are bad for dogs.
So, avoid olives with an olive pit to treat your dog.
Do Olives Make Dogs Sick?
As long as you only give your pup a plain, unsalted, and pitted olive on occasion, it’s unlikely your dog will get sick.
Don’t overfeed your pup too many olives.
Otherwise, they may get an upset stomach, digestive pain, and diarrhea.
Are Olives Safe for Dogs?
Plain, pitted olives are perfectly safe for dogs in moderation.
However, the pits can be a choking hazard or damage your dog’s teeth.
Avoid any olives with additives, seasonings, or other ingredients, as they can be potentially toxic.
Related: What human foods can dogs eat?
What Type of Olives Can Your Dog Eat?
Dogs can eat just about any type of olive, no matter the color.
It’s more important to ensure you’re feeding your pup plain, pitted olives than opting for one color or another.
Additionally, the toxicity of olives for dogs will depend on a few factors.
Overly salty, seasoned, or marinated olives aren’t good for your pup.
All Varieties
You can give your dog any variety, including a green olive or black olive.
The main difference between green and black olives is that green olives are riper than black.
However, green olives typically have a higher sodium level.
Therefore, black olives are the best choice, though your dog can still enjoy ripe green olives here and there.
Dogs can also enjoy pitted kalamata olives, though they aren’t the best choice for your canine.
Kalamata olives have more sodium than black olives, so only feed your dog a small amount.
Pitted Olives
Pitted olives are an ideal choice to give your dog, especially those that are unsalted and plain.
Check ingredient labels to ensure there aren’t any additives that could upset your pup’s stomach.
Can Your Dog Eat Marinated Olives?
Marinated olives may have more flavor, and although your dog may enjoy them, they’re not great for your canine’s health.
Can Dogs Eat Stuffed Olives?
Dogs can enjoy a stuffed olive with pimentos, as long as there’s nothing else stuffed in the olive with it.
Many pimento-stuffed olives have additional ingredients like cheese, onion, oils, garlic, or salty seasonings.
Can You Give Your Dog the Olive Out of Your Martini?
You’re drinking a martini and don’t want to eat the olive, so you figure you can rinse it off and give it to your pup, right?
Well, it’s not the best idea.
Alcohol is toxic to dogs, and gin-soaked aren’t in the best interest of your dog’s health. So, it’s best to toss the olive or give it to an olive-loving friend rather than your pet.
Are Olives Nutritionally Beneficial to Dogs?
Olives contain many essential vitamins and can absorb small amounts of them.
Although there are healthier snacks for your pup, olives have some nutritional benefits.
You can also give your dog olives in dog food on occasion.
Vitamins A, E, and K
Each olive will have vitamins A, E, and K in them.
Vitamin A supports healthy eyes, skin, immune function, and organ formation in growing dogs.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that’’ essential for fat metabolism and cell function.
It’s one of the primary defenses against oxidative damage.
Dogs with vitamin E deficiencies can lead to reproductive issues and muscle degeneration.
Lastly, vitamin K is an essential vitamin that metabolizes calcium into the bones, preventing calcium deposits in your pup’s arteries, heart, and other muscles.
Vitamin K also promotes healthy blood coagulation and ensures your dog’s blood will clot adequately to prevent bleeding after an injury or post-surgery.
Olives are relatively low in potassium, though this doesn’t mean your dog won’t reap any benefits.
Potassium is a vital electrolyte for your dog’s health that helps their electrical charges function in the muscles, nerves, and heart.
If your dog is potassium deficient, you’ll notice he’s lethargic or doesn’t have the desire to eat.
Zinc is an essential mineral your dog requires for healthy skin and coat and a healthy immune system.
It also aids in good thyroid function.
Olives are a good source of calcium, a vital part of your dog’s diet.
This mineral promotes healthy growth, bone and teeth maintenance, a strong heart, good muscle growth and function, and a healthy nervous system.
Iron is a mineral in olives, which is crucial for your pup’s body to function normally.
It helps their body perform essential functions like carrying oxygen through the red blood cells that produce energy.
How Many Olives Should Dogs Eat?
You can feed your dog one or two plain olives on occasion.
But, despite the nutritional benefits of olives, too many aren’t good for your dog’s health.
What Happens if a Dog Eats a Lot of Olives?
If your dog eats a lot of olives, it may have an upset stomach or diarrhea.
As long as the olives were plain and pitted, the symptoms should pass within a day or so.
Potential Hazards
The primary hazard olives contain for dogs is the pits.
These tough, stone-like centers can block your dog’s airway and potentially get lodged in their intestinal tract.
If your pup attempts to munch on the pit, it can crack his teeth.
Canned olives may also contain added sodium, which is poor for your dog’s health.
Seek Vet Help
Because pits can cause damage internally, take your dog to the vet if you suspect he got into olives with pits.
You should also contact your veterinarian if you notice any abnormal side effects after your dog eats olives.
How to Safely Feed Your Dog Olives
There are a few things to look out for to ensure a healthy and safe treat for your pup.
Take the Pits Out
Olive pits, also known as the olive stone, are a part of the olive that offers protection for the seed until it germinates.
The olive seed is inside of the pit, or stone.
To remove these stony pieces, place an olive on a flat surface, like a cutting board.
Then, use a blunt object, like a meat pounder, to gently hit the olive.
Do this motion until you push the pit out of the skin.
Even if it doesn’t come out all the way, it should be easier to remove after doing so.
Make Sure They’re Plain
There are a few ingredients you want to ensure are not in the olive.
The Allium family, which includes garlic and onion, contains thiosulphates and disulfides, which are toxic compounds for dogs to ingest.
Giving your dog an olive with any onion or garlic seasoning can cause varying forms of anemia, all of which can lead to red blood cell damage.
Dogs who eat garlic may experience vomiting, panting, weakness, a rapid heart rate, or blood in their urine.
Related: Can dogs eat onions and garlic?
Avoid Brined or Marinated Olives
Brined olives soak in salt water for three to six months, causing them to ferment.
This excess salt can cause diarrhea, vomiting, incoordination, muscle tremors, and seizures in canines.
Marinated olives are often soaked in red wine vinegar, resulting in fermented grapes, which are toxic to dogs.
Dogs who have grape poisoning may have symptoms like lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting.
It also contains acetic acid, which can cause gastrointestinal issues for dogs.
Wrapping Up
Olives are a delicious treat that your dogs can enjoy moderately.
They contain essential vitamins like A, E, and K, potassium, zinc, calcium, and iron.
You should only give your dog an olive or two as an occasional snack.
Avoid olives with pits, seasonings, marinades, or any that have been soaked in brines or alcohol.
Although olives aren’t harmful to your dog, avoid giving them too many as extra olives can lead to an upset stomach.
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